Get a for loop to actually work, just once!

From help(grangertest) in {lmtest}

#> Loading required package: zoo
#> Attaching package: 'zoo'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
#> Time Series:
#> Start = 1930 
#> End = 1983 
#> Frequency = 1 
#>      chicken  egg
#> 1930  468491 3581
#> 1931  449743 3532
#> 1932  436815 3327
#> 1933  444523 3255
#> 1934  433937 3156
#> 1935  389958 3081
#> 1936  403446 3166
#> 1937  423921 3443
#> 1938  389624 3424
#> 1939  418591 3561
#> 1940  438288 3640
#> 1941  422841 3840
#> 1942  476935 4456
#> 1943  542047 5000
#> 1944  582197 5366
#> 1945  516497 5154
#> 1946  523227 5130
#> 1947  467217 5077
#> 1948  499644 5032
#> 1949  430876 5148
#> 1950  456549 5404
#> 1951  430988 5322
#> 1952  426555 5323
#> 1953  398156 5307
#> 1954  396776 5402
#> 1955  390708 5407
#> 1956  383690 5500
#> 1957  391363 5442
#> 1958  374281 5442
#> 1959  387002 5542
#> 1960  369484 5339
#> 1961  366082 5358
#> 1962  377392 5403
#> 1963  375575 5345
#> 1964  382262 5435
#> 1965  394118 5474
#> 1966  393019 5540
#> 1967  428746 5836
#> 1968  425158 5777
#> 1969  422096 5629
#> 1970  433280 5704
#> 1971  421763 5806
#> 1972  404191 5742
#> 1973  408769 5502
#> 1974  394101 5461
#> 1975  379754 5382
#> 1976  378361 5377
#> 1977  386518 5408
#> 1978  396933 5608
#> 1979  400585 5777
#> 1980  392110 5825
#> 1981  384838 5625
#> 1982  378609 5800
#> 1983  364584 5656
r <- grangertest(egg ~ chicken, order = 3, data = ChickEgg)
#> Granger causality test
#> Model 1: egg ~ Lags(egg, 1:3) + Lags(chicken, 1:3)
#> Model 2: egg ~ Lags(egg, 1:3)
#>   Res.Df Df      F Pr(>F)
#> 1     44                 
#> 2     47 -3 0.5916 0.6238

This is how grangertest is supposed to work—it takes a time series and columns within it as an argument and returns a value of class() anova data frame.

You can either use a bivariant series like ChickEggs as its principal argument or two univariant observations. In the example above, let's assume we are doing that in a for loop from 1:15. Looking at egg[,i] what happens. We just need to look at egg[,i]

First, i = 1 , and second, i = 2 work, but i =3 is straight out.

#> Loading required package: zoo
#> Attaching package: 'zoo'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
#> Time Series:
#> Start = 1930 
#> End = 1983 
#> Frequency = 1 
#>  [1] 468491 449743 436815 444523 433937 389958 403446 423921 389624 418591
#> [11] 438288 422841 476935 542047 582197 516497 523227 467217 499644 430876
#> [21] 456549 430988 426555 398156 396776 390708 383690 391363 374281 387002
#> [31] 369484 366082 377392 375575 382262 394118 393019 428746 425158 422096
#> [41] 433280 421763 404191 408769 394101 379754 378361 386518 396933 400585
#> [51] 392110 384838 378609 364584
#> Time Series:
#> Start = 1930 
#> End = 1983 
#> Frequency = 1 
#>  [1] 3581 3532 3327 3255 3156 3081 3166 3443 3424 3561 3640 3840 4456 5000 5366
#> [16] 5154 5130 5077 5032 5148 5404 5322 5323 5307 5402 5407 5500 5442 5442 5542
#> [31] 5339 5358 5403 5345 5435 5474 5540 5836 5777 5629 5704 5806 5742 5502 5461
#> [46] 5382 5377 5408 5608 5777 5825 5625 5800 5656
#> Error in `[.default`(ChickEgg, , 3): subscript out of bounds

The OP example cannot have gone beyond $i = 2$, or that would have been the message, so the error message seen must have something to do with the relationship between COLandALL, which I can't comment on without a reprex. [See the FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example reprex` for beginners](FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example ( reprex ) for beginners)