FAQ: What's a reproducible example (`reprex`) and how do I create one?

For sharing simple data.frames (those containing only basic types, no dates, no factors, and no row names) I suggest using wrapr::draw_frame() to build sharable examples.

For example suppose our example was the following data.

d <- head(ggplot2::diamonds) 

wrapr::draw_frame can share this data in a very legible form:


This outputs the following (older versions of wrapr do not add the "::" qualifier).

   "carat", "cut"      , "color", "clarity", "depth", "table", "price", "x" , "y" , "z"  |
   0.23   , "Ideal"    , "E"    , "SI2"    , 61.5   , 55     , 326L   , 3.95, 3.98, 2.43 |
   0.21   , "Premium"  , "E"    , "SI1"    , 59.8   , 61     , 326L   , 3.89, 3.84, 2.31 |
   0.23   , "Good"     , "E"    , "VS1"    , 56.9   , 65     , 327L   , 4.05, 4.07, 2.31 |
   0.29   , "Premium"  , "I"    , "VS2"    , 62.4   , 58     , 334L   , 4.2 , 4.23, 2.63 |
   0.31   , "Good"     , "J"    , "SI2"    , 63.3   , 58     , 335L   , 4.34, 4.35, 2.75 |
   0.24   , "Very Good", "J"    , "VVS2"   , 62.8   , 57     , 336L   , 3.94, 3.96, 2.48 )

The point is, with the wrapr package loaded the above output is actually executable code that produces the same data.frame. One can then copy and paste the above code to start a fresh example from this data (and not need to include steps that took one to this point).

(Was asked to post this to this thread here.)