Error: geom_text requires the following missing aesthetics: label

There may be a way to get the fit coefficients out of the ggplot() output but I would just directly calculate them.

FIT <- Infil_Data2 %>% group_by(Site_ID) %>% 
    do(tidy(lm(Cal_Vol_cm ~ I(Sqrt_Time.x^2) + Sqrt_Time.x, data = .)))

# A tibble: 9 x 6
# Groups:   Site_ID [3]
  Site_ID term             estimate std.error statistic     p.value
  <chr>   <chr>               <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
1 H1      (Intercept)       0.0240   0.0478       0.501 0.630      
2 H1      I(Sqrt_Time.x^2)  0.00854  0.000557    15.3   0.000000327
3 H1      Sqrt_Time.x      -0.0322   0.0106      -3.04  0.0161     
4 H2      (Intercept)      -0.0577   0.359       -0.161 0.876      
5 H2      I(Sqrt_Time.x^2)  0.0154   0.00418      3.68  0.00618    
6 H2      Sqrt_Time.x       0.0516   0.0796       0.648 0.535      
7 H3      (Intercept)       0.0235   0.0553       0.425 0.682      
8 H3      I(Sqrt_Time.x^2)  0.00839  0.000644    13.0   0.00000114 
9 H3      Sqrt_Time.x      -0.00801  0.0123      -0.653 0.532 

I cribbed that method of calculation from Use dplyr to do grouped t-tests and get number of observations simultanously