Development version of readr failing to compile

So as far as I can tell, readr 1.2 hit CRAN just at the start of a major holiday weekend in the US. In the past, packages that can't compile within Cloud's (alpha-version) memory limit have been built and cached. Although I have no inside knowledge, I expect that as soon as anybody is available to do so, this will happen for the latest readr as well. But in the meantime, I think anything that depends on readr is unfortunately going to fail to install in Cloud. This has already come up once this weekend:

As I did in that case, I've set up a workaround if you need to install tidyverse or any other readr-dependent package before somebody manages to build and cache readr 1.2.1: a Cloud project with up-to-date tidyverse except for readr (readr is version 1.1.1). You should be able to copy this project into your Cloud and go from there:

FWIW, since this latest issue is about CRAN readr, I see it as somewhat separate from my question above — right now, I don't really expect the Cloud team to cache binaries of arbitrary development versions of packages. Seems like that would get out of hand quickly! I am curious whether there is a longer term plan for how to handle all this in Cloud's future, but the mere existence of my curiosity doesn't oblige anybody else to come up with an answer! :grin:

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