Deleting values in a vector

Without a reprex (see the FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example reprex for beginners), it's difficult to infer the structure of the w2q7.1 object, so I have to use synthetic data.

v1 <- sample(1:100,10)
v2 <- sample(LETTERS,10)
d <- data.frame(v1 = v1, v2 = v2)
#>     v1 v2
#> 1   49  E
#> 2   65  N
#> 3   25  T
#> 4   74  R
#> 5   18  O
#> 6  100  C
#> 7   47  I
#> 8   24  D
#> 9   71  Z
#> 10  89  M
# subset data frame d to include only those rows whose first
# column does not include the values 49, 25 or 18
d[which(!d$v1 %in% c(49,25,18)),]
#>     v1 v2
#> 2   65  N
#> 4   74  R
#> 6  100  C
#> 7   47  I
#> 8   24  D
#> 9   71  Z
#> 10  89  M