OK, I'm pasting it below. The FAQ you quote talks about "the error". So I could postulate the error is that pdb doesn't start up. Or that $history
is all NaN
#' ---
#' output:
#' md_document:
#' pandoc_args:
#' - '--from=markdown-implicit_figures'
#' - '--to=commonmark'
#' - '--no-wrap'
#' ---
#+ reprex-setup, include = FALSE
options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", error = TRUE)
knitr::opts_knit$set(upload.fun = knitr::imgur_upload)
#+ reprex-body
generator.demo.x.y <- function(X, Y,
shuffle = TRUE,
batch_size = 32,
"bump.min.index", "wrap.around", "stop"))
uneven.mode <- match.arg(uneven.mode)
uneven.count <- (max_index-min_index+1) %% batch_size
if(uneven.count!=0) {
"stop"=stop("data size is not an even multiple of batch_size ",
"but uneven.mode is set to stop?"),
txt <- paste("data size is not an even multiple of batch_size;",
"changing min_index from ", min_index, " to ",
min_index+uneven.count, ".\n", sep="")
cat("Notice, data generator setup: ", txt, "\n", sep="")
min_index <- min_index + uneven.count
"undersize.final.batch" = "continue on, handled.later",
"wrap.around"="continue on, handled.later",
stop("unexpected uneven.mode"))
i.gen.x.y <- min_index
function() {
if(i.gen.x.y==min_index) {
#Do this first time through as well as possibly right after each
#wraparound when numrows mod batch_size is zero:
if (shuffle) {
rows.gen.x.y <<- sample(c(min_index:max_index),
size = max_index-min_index+1)
} else {
rows.gen.x.y <<- min_index:max_index
#At this point, rows.gen.x.y is an index (in desired order, shuffled or
#not) into the data we will step through over multiple calls to the
#generator function. Also, i.gen.x.y points to somewhere in the body of
#rows.gen.x.y (possibly close to or at, but not past, its end). So select
#some data, hopefully a full batch, possibly a partial or singleton batch
#if near end
pick.from.rows.gen.x.y <- i.gen.x.y:min(i.gen.x.y+batch_size-1, max_index)
this.batch <- rows.gen.x.y[pick.from.rows.gen.x.y-min_index+1]
#now bump i.gen.x.y up for next time.
i.gen.x.y <<- i.gen.x.y + length(this.batch)
#wrap around when you run out of data. By using > not >=, ensure that
#final value of training data gets used (even if it happens to be the only
#member in the next batch!)
if (i.gen.x.y> max_index) {
i.gen.x.y <<- min_index
count.extra.rows.needed <- batch_size-length(this.batch)
if(count.extra.rows.needed>0) {
#undersize.final.batch requires no action, but wrap.around
#needs to do the work normally handled at the top of each iteration:
if(uneven.mode=="wrap.around") {
#copy/paste of earlier code setting up data from the top
if (shuffle) {
rows.gen.x.y <<- sample(c(min_index:max_index),
size = max_index-min_index+1)
} else {
rows.gen.x.y <<- min_index:max_index
#copy/paste of earlier code, but modified to extract
#count.extra.rows.needed, not batch_size, and glom on to the current
#undersized batch
extra.pick.from.rows.gen.x.y <-
extra.this.batch <-
#now bump i.gen.x.y up for next time.
i.gen.x.y <<- i.gen.x.y + length(extra.this.batch)
this.batch <- c(this.batch, extra.this.batch)
#X shape
# = (samples, timesteps, features)
samples <- X[this.batch, , , drop=F]
#Y is a vector of length matching dim1() of X.
targets <- Y[this.batch]
# ##Keras also would allow Y to be a 1D array if you prefer:
# ##targets <- array(Y[this.batch], dim = c(length(this.batch)))
#Do NOT use names on this list() iof length two; their presence currently
#breaks the python interface downstream unless you add a name stripping
#wrapper into keras:::fit_generator
list(samples, targets)
fake <- function(dim, bias) array((seq(prod(dim))*(sqrt(5)-1)+bias)%%2-1, dim)
X <- fake(c(200, 21, 1), .1)
Y <- fake(200, .2)
validation.X <- fake(c(118, 21, 1), .3)
validation.Y <- fake(118, .5)
gen1 <- generator.demo.x.y(X, Y, shuffle=FALSE, batch_size=32,
early.stopping.callback.list <-
list(keras:::callback_early_stopping(monitor = "val_loss",
patience = 75,
reduce.lr.callback.list <-
list(keras:::callback_reduce_lr_on_plateau(monitor = "val_loss",
factor = 0.5,
patience = 5,
callbacks <- list()
callbacks.prelim.run <- callbacks
callbacks.fit.run <- callbacks
need.prelim.phase <- FALSE
lr.sched.callback.list <- NULL
callbacks.prelim.run <- c(callbacks.prelim.run, early.stopping.callback.list)
need.prelim.phase <- TRUE
callbacks.prelim.run <- c(callbacks.prelim.run, reduce.lr.callback.list)
add.lr.sched <- TRUE
validation.shuffle <- FALSE
num.epochs.fit.run <- 200
full.train.length <- dim(X)[1]
partial.train.length <- round(0.9 * full.train.length)
partial.train.indices <- 1:partial.train.length
partial_train_X <- X[partial.train.indices, , , drop=F]
partial_train_Y <- Y[partial.train.indices]
partial_val_X <- X[-partial.train.indices, , , drop=F]
partial_val_Y <- Y[-partial.train.indices]
callbacks.fit.run <- c(callbacks.fit.run, lr.sched.callback.list)
data.shape <- dim(X)[-1]
batch_size <- 32
steps_per_epoch <- round(dim(X)[1]/batch_size)
train.gen.full <- generator.demo.x.y(X, Y, shuffle=FALSE, batch_size=32,
train_generator <- train.gen.full
input_shape <- data.shape
num_epochs <- num.epochs.fit.run
callbacks <- callbacks.fit.run
validation.gen.full <- generator.demo.x.y(validation.X ,validation.Y,
shuffle=FALSE, batch_size=32,
#Build and compile a Keras model
n.units <- 2
dropout_frac <- 0.5
recurrent_dropout_frac <- 0.5
model0 <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_lstm(units=n.units, dropout = dropout_frac,
recurrent_dropout = recurrent_dropout_frac,
input_shape=input_shape) %>%
layer_dense(units = 1)
my.opt <- optimizer_rmsprop()
model <- model0 %>% compile(optimizer = my.opt,
loss = "mse",
metrics = c("mae")
#Save full history so I can pull out the computed metrics
history <- model %>% fit_generator(
validation_data = validation.gen.full,
validation_steps = 1,
epochs = num_epochs, verbose = TRUE,
callbacks = callbacks
fitted.model <- list(model=model, history=history)
fitted.model$model <- serialize_model(fitted.model$model,include_optimizer=TRUE)
names(fitted.model)[which(names(fitted.model)=="model")] <- "serialized.model"
#' Created on r Sys.Date()
by the reprex package (vr utils::packageVersion("reprex")