It's not entirely clear what you like to do, so maybe if my suggestion below is not what you are looking for, create a reprex following the guide below. A reprex consists of the minimal code and data needed to recreate the issue/question you're having. You can find instructions how to build and share one here:
You can use the group_by() from dplyr to perform actions on certain rows like this
#Generate some random data
myData = data.frame(
date = as.Date(sample(c("2020-11-19", "2020-11-18"), 10, replace = T)),
val1 = 1:10, val2 = runif(10))
#> date val1 val2
#> 1 2020-11-19 1 0.65165567
#> 2 2020-11-19 2 0.56773775
#> 3 2020-11-18 3 0.11350898
#> 4 2020-11-18 4 0.59592531
#> 5 2020-11-18 5 0.35804998
#> 6 2020-11-19 6 0.42880942
#> 7 2020-11-18 7 0.05190332
#> 8 2020-11-18 8 0.26417767
#> 9 2020-11-19 9 0.39879073
#> 10 2020-11-19 10 0.83613414
#Apply functions by group (in this case date)
myData %>% group_by(date) %>%
mutate(val1 = scale(val1)[,1],
val2 = (val2 - min(val2)) / (max(val2) - min(val2)))
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#> # Groups: date [2]
#> date val1 val2
#> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2020-11-19 -1.14 0.578
#> 2 2020-11-19 -0.892 0.386
#> 3 2020-11-18 -1.16 0.113
#> 4 2020-11-18 -0.675 1
#> 5 2020-11-18 -0.193 0.563
#> 6 2020-11-19 0.0991 0.0686
#> 7 2020-11-18 0.772 0
#> 8 2020-11-18 1.25 0.390
#> 9 2020-11-19 0.842 0
#> 10 2020-11-19 1.09 1
Created on 2020-11-19 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Hope this helps,