count number of rows greater than a certain value, across a whole data frame

See the FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example reprex for beginners to be able to receive answers that do not have to employ imagined data.

m <- matrix(rexp(200, rate=.1), ncol=20)

which(m[,1:20] < 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
#>       row col
#>  [1,]   2   3
#>  [2,]   1   4
#>  [3,]   2   4
#>  [4,]   3   6
#>  [5,]   9   9
#>  [6,]   3  11
#>  [7,]   7  13
#>  [8,]   6  15
#>  [9,]   9  15
#> [10,]   1  16
#> [11,]  10  16