Control chart in R

I use the officer package to export to PowerPoint. We're pretty far afield from your original question. If you have further questions on exporting objects to PowerPoint, I suggest posting a new question so that your audience isn't limited to those familiar with control charts.


Thank you, sure will do so Galangjs

Thank you Galangjs, any idea how we can specify number of points to be displayed in x-axis in qic(qicharts library). Number of data points in x-axis, example to display date variable in x axis. currently I am getting only 3 dates in x axis. I want to display atleast 6 months in x axis . T

I realise this is a long time since the original post, but here are some pointers for some of the issues you have

Excluding out of control points - you can exclude the out of control points using the exclude parameter of the qic function in qicharts2.
From the function help , exclude is an : "Integer vector indicating data points to exclude from calculations of centre and control lines."
For example, exclude =c(39:52)

Looping through columns and plotting individual charts - you can create individual charts by using the facet argument within the qic function.

e.g. facet = ~ supplier.
See the package vignette for further examples.

Finally, to increase the number of points/ labels on the date axis, you can assign your original plot to a variable, and then use reguar ggplot2 sytax

p <- qic(Failed,
             exclude = c(39:43), # exclude these points from calculations
            # facets = ~ supplier, # facet chart by supplier
            show.labels = TRUE,
            multiply = 1000000,

p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_date(labels = scales::date_format("%Y-%m"),
                                                         breaks = "2 months")

You should also look at the x.period and x.format arguments in the qic function, though I find it easier to assign the original plot to a variable, and then refine using ggplot2

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