Combine two rows into 1 row

Yes, but does the imported data yield a table with the same shape and columns immediately after being imported? If you could perform the following steps exactly as indicated below, that would be very helpful:

  1. Use read_dta() to import your data, and assign the result to bp_data.
  2. Execute the following lines of code, exactly as written:
# direct output to new file called "for_posit.txt"
# write the contents of the first 10 rows of bp_data to "for_posit.txt"
bp_data |>            
    dplyr::slice(1:10) |> 
# redirect output to RStudio
  1. Open the file "for_posit.txt" and copy its contents.
  2. Paste its contents here, between a pair of triple backticks (```) like this:
[<-- paste here]

Using this method for sharing a sample of your data makes it much easier for folks on this site to help you.