Changing NA to Zero

Hi @Selemani_Ngwira, welcome!

For get a better help try to put a reproducible example of the data and script.

See a tentative example for change specific columns with NAs to Zero.

Covid_19_Vaccination <- data.frame(
  Country = c("A", "B", "C"),
  Col1 = c(10, NA, 20),
  Col2 = c(30, 40, NA),
  Col3 = c(NA, 50, 60))

Covid_19_Vaccination <- Covid_19_Vaccination %>%
  mutate(across(1:2, ~ifelse(, 0, .))) # Select 1 and 2 columns

#  Country Col1 Col2 Col3
#1       A   10   30   NA
#2       B    0   40   50
#3       C   20   NA   60