Can not open my Posit Cloud RStudio project

I can not open my R studuo cloud project: Posit Cloud.
It shows There was a problem with the task, please try again. (Task 6d5626a1-4bd3-4607-8646-9235e7f90f63).

same here, I feel it is the system problem


The ddl of my project is tonight, I am gonna cry! Hope it can fix quickly!

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Also happening to me with my projects, nothing able to load.

Yess. My work is due tonight. Need it to work now..

I also am experiencing problems, i am trying to load a project to complete a coursera training class.

##There was a problem with the task, please try again. (Task 9b9d38a7-9b9f-4cf7-b4c0-e418866edf2c)##

is what I keep getting.


Unfortunatelly I have the same problem here! Won't open any new or old project whatsoever... and my project is due monday, hope they fix it...

I hope we can get an update from RStudio soon..

Got to say I don't think I can trust their status tracker anymore seeing that so many others have this issue and it's claiming to be operational.


I have the same problem...

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the same, it shows "There was a problem with the task, please try again. (Task e9a6944a-3ea9-426d-94b5-d824af8d46e7)"

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Having the same issue - unable to open any projects - multiple assignment due!!

exactly the same problem

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It is still not fixed from my end.

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Still not fixed on my end - logging out and logging back in and will try again.

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Our engineers are looking into the issue. I will post an update here when more information is known. Thank you.

Alex Chisholm


Definitely not fixed for me, thanks for at least acknowledging.


hopefully this will be fixed in the next couple hours

i'm getting the same thing

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We continue to investigate. Status updates will also be reported here: