Then, yes, of course that's what I meant!
Super, will check this out. Thanks everyone -- love this forum -- I am learning so much!
I tend to use package managers for library load and management: pacman
With pacman::p_load() instead of 5 lines of code to load 5 common packages, like this:
You can write one line
pacman::p_load(dplyr, tidyr, Hmisc, janitor, magrittr)
if the package is not available on the system, it will first install it (through install.packages), and only then try to load it again. Same as library installr
All of this, on the very first part of any R file.
I'm generally a fan of pacman
, particularly when I start using less common packages. That way, when I need to re-run my analysis down the road, it can automatically reinstall them since I've inevitably lost (or cleaned out) my packages since the last time I ran it. The "bootstrapping" script header provided by pacman::p_boot()
is also convenient if you share scripts with people less familiar with R (or at least people that won't mind your script auto-installing some packages):
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman"); library(pacman)