Welcome to R and to the RStudio Community Raffaello. It would be helpful if you provide your data and the code you've tried in reproducible form. For now, here's a made-up example that I hope will address your problem. I've assumed that you've already loaded your data into R, but if you need help with that, please let us know.
# Fake data
d = data.frame(Year=runif(50, 2010, 2015),
ion.means = d %>%
# Reshape data to "long" format
gather(ion, value, -Year) %>%
# Round to integer year and group by year and ion
group_by(Year=round(Year), ion) %>%
# Calculate mean concentration by year and ion
summarise(mean = mean(value, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
# Reshape back to "wide" format
spread(ion, mean)
Year Ammonium Sodium
1 2010 0.388 0.208
2 2011 0.566 0.470
3 2012 0.473 0.488
4 2013 0.352 0.543
5 2014 0.559 0.414
6 2015 0.534 0.535