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Now, I generated some birthdays and calculated ages at 2019-02-28. It seems to work correctly without any error. See here:
set.seed(seed = 24971)
simulated_birthdays <- sample(x = seq(from = as.Date(x = '1991/01/01'),
to = as.Date(x = '2000/12/31'),
by = 11))
head(x = simulated_birthdays)
#> [1] "1992-06-12" "1991-03-19" "1992-04-29" "1999-04-03" "1991-06-04"
#> [6] "1997-03-05"
current_date <- as.Date(x = '2019/02/28')
ages_in_days <- difftime(time1 = current_date,
time2 = simulated_birthdays,
units = 'days')
head(x = ages_in_days)
#> Time differences in days
#> [1] 9757 10208 9801 7271 10131 8030
approximate_ages_in_years <- round(x = as.numeric(x = (ages_in_days / 365.25)),
digits = 2)
head(x = approximate_ages_in_years)
#> [1] 26.71 27.95 26.83 19.91 27.74 21.98
Created on 2019-02-28 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
Can you please check whether you are in a better luck with dat$age<-round(as.numeric((difftime(as.Date("2017-12-31"), dat$BIRTHDAY, units = "days"))/365.25),digits = 2)